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St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
Web Master Annual Report
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church is blessed to have a vibrant community of diverse members. When the COVID-19 pandemic took place, everybody at the church quickly realized actions needed to be implemented to continue having a sustainable community. One of the first initiatives was to create a brand-new website, full of relevant and engaging content that was pertinent to St. Martin’s. With a new website came a long list of challenges. We needed to have images that contained content from St. Martin’s, information about how to worship during COVID-19, and how to join in online worship. The list is a lot more specific than this, but these were the absolute necessary items to include. The technology behind the new St. Martin’s website allows content to also be entered in directly, with no coding necessary (although we can and have added some coding to our website). We can also obtain information regarding our subscribers and can easily add forms to our site to allow newcomers to subscribe to our beacon seamlessly.
Where We Are Right Now
Currently, the new St. Martin’s website has relevant information regarding pandemic procedures and includes photos from past St. Martin’s events as well as information on our current staff (if any information is noticeably missing please contact We are currently giving webpages more content ( and optimizing the Google search engine so that people will find us more easily on the internet. Both Mother Leslie and the St. Martin’s Webmaster have been adding content about bulletins, text to our sermons, important news, and information pertaining to our annual reports. We have also recently streamed services directly to our website (Christmas & Christmas Eve) and this will start again either this Sunday, Jan. 24, 2021 or next Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021. Both services were successful and are still on the website at
In the Future
Future plans include adding more information regarding our groups at St. Martin’s such as Youth Group, Bible Study, and any other groups that might start up. The site will have a way to get involved remotely, such as being a reader on a Sunday or helping out with the broadcast (some of which can be done remotely as well). Along with the groups, we are also working on possibly getting group pages where the owner of a group can post updates and notes about what is going on and how to join the ZOOM. These concepts are depicted in the following images:
Submitted by Scott Scoopmire, Web Master, St. Martin’s Episcopal Church