children's and youth ministries
planting seeds of faith,
nurturing their growth
Leslie Scoopmire

After the children’s sermon at the 10:15 service, children are invited to follow the Sunday School Coordinator to the Sunday School area downstairs. Children will sing, hear and discuss the Bible story, discuss what the adults are learning about in worship, do a craft, have a snack and return upstairs to church to participate in the communion portion of our worship. If you have any questions please contact our Sunday School Coordinator, Sherrie Algren.

Our nursery is available for infants through 4-year old toddlers every Sunday. It is located in Lower Laird, down the stairs in the corridor which leads from the main lobby. The nursery is staffed with trained caregivers on Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 11:30 am. Contact Wendy Sain: wsain@stmartinschurch.org.

We recognize that with crunched and busy schedules many families only have one day in the week to spend a lot of time together and that sending a child to the nursery during worship curtails more of that time. We have created a space for families with toddlers and infants at the front of the church for those who prefer to stay together during worship. There are books and rocking chairs and a clear view of everything that will happen during the service. We believe that children who can see what is happening in worship will be more engaged in the worship experience. However, you are also always free to sit anywhere that you are most comfortable.

The newly created “Everybody’s Story Children’s Library” contains board books and beautiful picture books which address diversity. Books are chosen that will include all races and abilities to help us realize that the world is full of diverse people who are all children of God. These books, telling “Everybody’s Story” are for preschool and elementary-aged children to check out, take home and bring back the next week, or to use while in church, but are also available for all (grandparents included).

St. Martin’s Youth Group is the group for 6th – 12th graders. The Youth Group participates in a whole host of activities which include: Diocesan outings such as lock-ins and World Food Day outreach; Game and Movie nights; Christian Formation nights where we talk about the intersection of faith and difficult issues that face teenagers.

A new Youth project created to provide poultry and livestock to poor villages supported by Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). When parishioners hear a story about poverty, we set aside some change, then bring it to St. Martin’s for a larger donation through ERD. It is amazing what a difference just a little bit of change can make. It can Change the World!

Confirmation is an important rite of passage in the Episcopal Church. Confirmation is important because it is the point at which we ask teenaged youth to accept the vows their parents made for them during their Baptism (a big deal because most of our children are baptized as infants). Confirmation is for teenagers in 7th and 8th grades. We use a program called Confirm not Conform. This program doesn’t ask youth to sign on to an inculcated dogma but asks them to think through and consider how their worldview shapes and is shaped by their Christian upbringing.
This program is offered every other winter/spring, for more information please contact Mother Leslie.

The Youth Music Ensemble is made up of youth in the church who sing or play musical instruments for special times during worship services throughout the year, especially for Holy Week and Christmas. The Music Director assembles this group and can be contacted by anyone interested in participating.
Contact Denise Marsh: dmarsh@stmartinschurch.org.

St. Martin’s Acolyte ministry is made up of members of the parish who volunteer their time and talent to serve during the liturgy by carrying the processional crosses, torches, banners and flags. The acolytes assist the clergy throughout the service and help define the tone of worship for the community. Our program is open to all church members from 5th grade through adulthood. Acolytes must be baptized. If they have not been confirmed, we encourage them to consider confirmation as a vital step in their development as Christians. Training sessions are held at various times throughout the year.