It is our tradition in the Episcopal Church to use fresh flowers on the altar.
Along with the sacred music of the season, altar flowers provide a visual impression of the music, the church service, and a reminder of His suffering and the eventual glory of His ascension and the Glory of God. All of this should be sensed subtly by the congregation as it participates in worship.
Episcopal National Altar Guild Association
Ever wonder how to get your flower dedication into the bulletin?
Making a donation to the Flower Fund is an opportunity to celebrate a milestone event in your life or the life of a loved one. It might be an Anniversary, Birthday, Baptism or Confirmation, to honor a graduate, to simply say “thank you” for a kindness, or in memory of a loved one.
1. Put ONLY your name beside the Sunday date of your choice.
2. Watch for your reminder letter in the mail. Several weeks in advance of your selected date, you will receive a reminder letter with a coupon to return with your full dedication.
3. Return the coupon with your donation to the Flower Fund. The cost of Altar Flowers for a Sunday is now $55. Your donation of any amount is welcome.
4. Please write “Flower Fund” on the memo line of your check.
5. Once the reminder letters have been mailed, the month will be closed on the chart but:
o Anyone who would still like to make a flower dedication for that month may contact the church office to work out how to submit a dedication in time to be included in the bulletin.
6. Multiple sponsors may sign up for any given Sunday.
7. During Lent there are no flowers on the altar so these Sundays are blocked out.