St. Martin's has been involved with the Peacemeal Project, run by St. John's Episcopal Church in Tower Grove for many years. They have appreciated our participation, providing free prepared meals to many of their clients in the surrounding area. Many of these clients look forward to receiving these as part of their main nutrition meal for the week, for themselves or their families. Prior to COVID, their clients entered into their cafeteria and were served in a food distribution line.
Due to COVID, St. John's continued to provide these meals by preparing them, but boxing/packaging them up and giving them to their clients at the door. We continued participating with this protocol.
Now, Post-COVID, St. John's still continues to prepare the meals and package them. They are given to their clients at the door. However, they now have the option to eat their meal inside the kitchen at tables set for them. A few of their clients have chosen this option, but many still take them away to eat them at home or other area they chose.
Our next date for participation is scheduled for September 9th. We are looking for 8 volunteers (4 for each shift). St. John's adjusted the shift times to better accommodate their preparation and distribution. The shifts are 2-4, which is the shift that prepares/cooks the meal and 3:45 - 5:45 who help with bagging and clean-up.
Please contact Mike Kelly: if you would like to volunteer for this ministry.