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Be Smart Gun Violence Prevention Program

Adult Forum on November 10 will have a guest Speaker from the Diocesan Gun Violence Protection  Initiative, sharing important information about gun safety.


Be Smart is a campaign to promote responsible gun ownership in order to reduce child gun deaths. Whether you’re a gun owner, or you know someone who owns a gun, there is a role for everyone in the conversation around secure gun storage. Be SMART is a framework that parents, caretakers, and community leaders can follow to help keep their communities safe. Ultimately, you can help prevent kids from accessing firearms by storing them securely, and encouraging others to do the same because children deserve to feel safe, no matter where they are.  


With the acronym, SMART stands for S – Secure gun storage, M – Model responsible behavior,  A – Ask about guns in others’  homes, R – Recognize the role of guns in suicide, and T – Tell your friends to Be SMART. 


The Diocese of Missouri has an ambitious and important goal of presenting Be SMART to every parish in the diocese during 2024.  The PowerPoint presentation lasts about 20 - 25 minutes, followed by discussion.  The slide show presentation is approved by Everytown for Gun Safety and also by our diocese.

This is information everyone can use- whether you own guns or not.

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