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Annual Parish Meeting

St. Martin's Episcopal Church is in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri which requires all parishes to hold, on the last Sunday of January each year, an annual meeting to elect successors to any members of the Vestry whose terms of office are expiring and to transact any other business properly brought before the meeting.

  • All who attend St. Martin's are invited to this meeting which will begin in the nave with the Holy Eucharist at 9:00am on Sunday, January 26, 2025. (This will be the only worship service held this weekend. The 505 resumes the following Saturday.)

  • Mother Leslie will give a special address during the sermon time that reviews the year just past and looks forward to the year ahead.

  • Immediately following the Eucharist, the meeting moves to the parish hall where a brunch will be served & the meeting resumes.

Who may vote?

All communicants in good standing who are at least 16 years of age and who are registered in the parish with their date of baptism are eligible to be an elector. Should you wonder if you qualify, Mother Leslie will be able to answer that question.

Annual Report

In January of each year a report on the closing year is published and distributed at the Annual Meeting. Leaders of Parish Ministries are encouraged to submit a review of the passing year and outline plans for the year ahead.

See below for a list of ministries according to the Parish Directory. Leaders may wish to take this opportunity to review their section in the Parish Directory and also submit updates to the parish administrator.


Rector | Sr. Warden | Jr. Warden | Clerk of the Vestry


Altar Guild | Healing Ministry | Eucharistic Visitors | Sunday School | Music Ministry | Broadcast Ministry | Ushers


Blessing Box | Chair Exercises | Lunch Bunch | Men of St. Martin's | The Prayer Chain | Pride Ministry | Outreach | United Thank Offering | Garden | Scout Sponsorship


Treasurer | Facilities | Investment / LEF Committee | Capital Campaign


Submit reports to by Sunday, January 19 to have them included in the Annual Report.

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