Rector’s Reflections:
A Prayer to Welcome Autumn

Beloved Members of St. Martin's,
I want to take a break from the usual musings in this space to simply say thank you to each and every one of you for our beautiful Celebration of New Ministry last Saturday. I am grateful for each and every one of you, especially those of you who attended either in person or online.
And never was anyone as surprised as I was when I saw the magnificent new resonator guitar which was the gift of the parish to me. It looks as pretty as it sounds, and I look forward to many years of playing it in gratitude for your generosity. Special thanks to Page Andersen and Doris Lucy-Goodlow for doing the research and finding this beautiful gift.
Who would have ever imagined when I began as your priest in charge that we would be here in this time in 2021? I know that we have wonderful ministries to look forward to at St. Martin's for many years to come, and I am grateful to walk along side you on this journey.
I also want to let you know that I will be taking Tuesday-Thursday for some delayed vacation time in the coming two weeks to attend to some long-delayed Scoopmire family business. I will still be here Friday-Sunday. If you need anything, please contact Janet Theiss ot Rev. Shug.
In Christ,