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Please join us in Park Hall immediately after the March 3 service for our Lenten Bible Study. The title is Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers, by Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. As the authors explain in their introduction:


This is not a book about the kind of prayer where we tell God things God already knows, as if Jesus needs a reminder that kids are dying in Sudan…. When we pray to God asking, “Why don’t you do something?” we hear a gentle whisper respond, “I did do something. I made you.” Prayer is important. Just as important is the call to become the answer to our prayers.


Shane Claiborne is an author, activist, and speaker. He is a founder of The Simple Way ( and a long-term partner in the Potter Street Community, an intentional community in Kensington, Philadelphia.


Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove lives with his wife, Leah, their son, JaiMichael, and other friends at the Rutba House in Durham, North Carolina. He is associate minister at the historically black St. John’s Baptist Church and directs the School for Conversion, a migratory program for theological education and formation in Christianity as a way of life (


This book is available as either an e-book, an audiobook, or in print. We will have several copies available at the welcome desk—they are $10 each for the print version, payable to St. Martin’s. Contact Mother Leslie if you would like a book brought to you. Also, please let Mother Leslie know if you would like to join by Zoom, so she can set that up if needed.


We will begin this series on Sunday, March 3 at 11:45 am in Park Hall and continue each week through Palm Sunday. Join us!

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