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Join us both online or in-person this Sunday, March 14

Greetings, Beloved Members of St. Martin’s,

It has been almost exactly a year since we were last able to gather together in our nave for Sunday worship including Eucharist. But the time has arrived that we can safely offer a full worship service in person on a limited basis.

We, the members of the Regathering Committee, are thrilled to announce that St. Martin's is ready to start worshipping together and sharing communion in person as well as online-- safely and in a limited capacity.

We have first offered spaces to those who could not join us due to technological issues. We are now opening up reservations for in-person worship for this coming Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 10:30 am.

We are hoping that so long as the numbers remain positive in terms of the infection rate in our area, we will be able to have another in-person hybrid service for Palm Sunday, March 28, and through Holy Week!

In-person spaces are limited, but if you do not get a spot this week, we will put you first on the next opportunity. We will still broadcast the service live and online for those who wish to worship from home.

PLEASE contact us-- don't just assume there will not be room. We would love to have every available slot filled, and to once again share communion in our beautiful nave.

How to Register

To register, click HERE to fill out a Google form.

If you have any difficulties, please call or text Chelsea Brewer at 314-332-3235, or email her at

We will need to hear from you no later than 7 p.m. Friday, March 12.

Registering helps us manage our capacity limits, so only those who have registered are permitted to attend.

What to Expect

You can expect everything you would normally expect on a Sunday morning service, with prayers, fellowship, organ music, communion, and seeing some friends you probably haven’t seen for a long time.

While some aspects will be familiar, we will take a few important precautions to care for you and your neighbor:

· Along with a friendly "hello," temperature checks will also greet you at the front door.

· Masks will be required at all times (except when receiving communion), and seating will be limited to allow for proper social distancing.

· We will not sing as a community at this time, to avoid potential spread. But you will be able to listen to solos, along with lovely keyboard music provided by Denise and special guest musicians.

· We will have Eucharist offered in both kinds, with the wine administered in small, individual cups.

We Hope to See You There!

We are thrilled to take this step and welcome our parish community back to our building in safety. We look forward to seeing you and there, and please remind you to contact Chelsea by Wednesday, March 10, if you wish to attend.

There will be follow-up phone calls on Saturday evening to make sure attendees in person know what to do and what to expect.

Your Re-Gathering Committee,

The Rev. Leslie Scoopmire

Tom Allen

Chelsea Brewer

Laura Limbaugh

Chris Marsh

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St. Martin's Episcopal Church

15764 Clayton Rd, Ellisville, MO 63011


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