Fall Service Day has been rescheduled for November 11th from 10 AM to 2 PM
Lunch will be provided.
(Please let Lincoln know by text (314-616-6319) if you will be there so I can plan a count for lunch)
If you can do something that needs to be done on your own between now and then it would be appreciated. It does not have to be on the list - Thanks.
Trimming of trees, bushes, and shrubs on the islands and along the parking lot
Removing weeds and grass at the Church entrance
Cleaning out the area on the south end (kitchen end) and around the playground and the HVAC units
Removing the dead bush at the entrance ramp
Blowing leaves onto the grass
HONEYSUCKLE – I would like to cut all the growth along the east and south tree line.
Let’s bring some tools (Please label yours):
Leaf blowers and Hedge trimmers (power cord if needed)
Rakes, shovels, hoes, pruning shears, yard waste bags and gloves.