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Celebrating MLK, Jr. Day at Adult Forum this Sunday

Adult Forum for January 15, 2023: “The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr from the Pulpit”

This Sunday would have been the 94th birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose life was tragically cut short at the age of 39 by an assassin’s bullet. We often think of him solely as a civil rights leader and activist, but he was also a powerful preacher who sought to tie the deep truths of scripture and theology to the times in which he lived. He sought to preach God’s call for us to live in Beloved Community not just to African Americans, but to people of all races and circumstances. We are lucky that many of his sermons have been collected and published, allowing us as fellow Christians to gain a richer insight into his thoughts and actions.

Join our adult forum this Sunday at 9:00 am as we explore three of Dr. King’s sermons from the book Strength to Love, concentrating on three common Biblical stories:

“On Being a Good Neighbor” (Luke 10:29)

“Loving Your Enemies” (Matthew 5:35-37)

“Love in Action” (Luke 23:34)

We will reflect on what his words and his legacy still have to say to us as Christians today.

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