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In the Episcopal Church, the vestry is the legal representative of the parish and provides financial guidance and oversight, akin to a non-profit organization. Comprised of nine members elected to three-year staggered terms, the vestry manages the church's assets, supports the congregation's mission, and oversees its operational planning. The presiding officer of the vestry is the rector, supported by a senior and junior warden, a treasurer, and a clerk or secretary.

Rector & Vestry Appointments

Lincoln Drake


Steve Brunkhorst

Investments Committee Chair

Scott Scoopmire

The Beacon / Website Admin.

Page Andersen


Term Ends 2023

Vestry Members

Tom Allen


Term Ends 2024

Jeanne King


Term Ends 2025

Angela Logan


Term Ends 2024

John Alden


Term Ends 2025

Kay Fletcher


Term Ends 2025

John Limbaugh


Term Ends 2024

Greg Andersen

Senior Warden

Term Ends 2026

Becky McCoy Brewer

Junior Warden

Term Ends 2024

Kim Montgomery


Term Ends 2023

Vestry Officers

Our vestry is a diverse group of dedicated individuals committed to serving our parish community. Each member, whether they are the warden, treasurer, or secretary, brings unique talents and perspectives that enrich our collective decision-making and stewardship processes.

Meet the Vestry

Roles and Responsibilities

Each vestry member plays a crucial role:

  • The Rector presides over the vestry and provides spiritual leadership to the parish.

  • The Senior Warden supports the rector and assumes leadership between rectorships.

  • The Junior Warden takes responsibility for the upkeep of the church property and buildings.

  • The Treasurer manages church finances.

  • The Clerk handles documentation and correspondence."


Our vestry is continuously working towards the betterment of our parish. From managing resources to leading community initiatives, we strive to make our church a welcoming and thriving place for all.

Vestry Liaisons for 2023

Becky McCoy Brewer


John Limbaugh


Greg Anderson

Men's Group

Kim Montgomery

Adult Formation

John Alden


Tom Allen

Investments Committee

Becky McCoy Brewer

Altar Guild

John Limbaugh

Youth & Sunday School

Kim Montgomery

Blessing Box

Angela Logan

Laundry Love

Angela Logan


Jeanne King

United Thank Offering

Kay Fletcher

Peace & Justice Ministry

Contact Us

We welcome your thoughts, questions, and suggestions about our vestry. Feel free to send any inquiries to

St. Martin's Episcopal Church

15764 Clayton Rd, Ellisville, MO 63011


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