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Together in Faith Capital Campaign Update: We just keep going!

Half-way through 2021, we are elated to report the Together-in-Faith Capital Campaign is very much alive and well, thanks to St. Martin’s members who made generous contributions in 2020 to launch the campaign and continue to fund the campaign with contributions in 2021!

If you are a new member of our church family, we invite you to join our capital campaign as we look forward to the future. You will receive an invitation to join this effort soon. Please read on.


The goal of the campaign is to make a lasting investment in the ministry of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church and the Kingdom of God. The purpose is to keep our House of Worship, our Parish Hall, and our other facility space fully usable in the support of the mission and ministries of our parish for our members and community.

COMMITMENTS & CONTRIBUTIONS: (3-year period 2020, 2021, 2022)

Commitments: $304,000.

Contributions through 6/30/21: $176,000


Total Spending: $48,415

Your contributions have already been hard at work keeping St. Martin's strong! When emergencies with our physical plant have arisen, we have had the resources on hand to meet sudden needs without dipping into reserves or turning to deficit spending! Areas of need that have arisen thus far include Heating & Cooling Systems, Safety & Security, Plumbing, & Campaign Expenses.

Thank YOU for your support of this vital initiative! New to this concept? Please feel free to contact, Steve, Lincoln, or Mother Leslie with any questions.

We are stronger, Together in Faith!

-- Steve Brunkhorst, Campaign Leader &

Lincoln Drake, Campaign Follow-up Leader

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