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Inquirer’s Class—for everyone!

As we prepare for Bishop Deon’s visitation with us on July 7, we are eager to prepare those who seek baptism and those who seek confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church.


Please contact Mother Leslie if you or your children would like to prepare for baptism—the basic preparation can be done in a few sessions on Zoom or in person, but we need to schedule that as soon as possible with our busy summer schedules.


If you have never been confirmed, or if you are from a different Christian tradition that practices confirmation, we invite you to be confirmed or received during the bishop’s visit. These classes are part of the ancient practice of the catechumenate, to prepare for a mature confirmation of your Christian faith, and to commit as a full member of the Episcopal Church. These Inquirers’ Classes are open to all, as Christian education is part of our baptismal promises. Our Inquirer’s class began May 5 after the 10:30 am service, and will continue through the first Sunday in June. We will provide all materials needed, as well as a light lunch each week. All are welcome!

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