Looking for readers, ushers, and eucharistic ministers for an 8 am service

Last year at Easter, we restarted the 8 am service, and almost immediately struggled with getting enough worship ministers from the congregation. I know that there are some people who really miss the 8 am—but it cannot be done without participation. Liturgy is the work of the people! So, I am looking at restarting the 8 am service as a MONTHLY service starting in May if we can get enough people to indicate that they will support and regularly attend this service. It is my hope that going to a monthly schedule will enable us to offer this while ensuring that no one would be overtaxed in serving as a worship minister. In order to gauge whether this can be done, I need feedback from you all!
First, would you attend and support an 8 am service once a month
-- be willing to be trained and serve as a lector, a prayer leader, an usher, or a eucharistic minister? Second, if so, would you prefer that it be on the 2, 3, or 4 Sundays of the month? I would like to avoid Brunch Sundays so that we can all be together for that—and frankly, because those days are already very long for your clergy.
Third, would you be willing to help promote and invite people to come to an 8 am worship service once a month?
If the response we get is strong enough, we would love to restart this in May. Please email Mother Leslie with your responses if you are interested!